Campus Crusade Prayer Opportunities

Prayer has been an important part of ministry throughout the history of Campus Crusade for Christ.


Our staff devotes a day to prayer in April and in October. We are spending today at our April Day of Prayer. If you would like to pray with us, go to the Global Prayer Movement. You will see the Worldwide Day of Prayer Lists. These are the same prayer requests all the staff around the world are using when we meet for prayer. Just click on the continent or area of interest and you will see a list of prayer requests from that part of the world.

This year, Steve and Judy Douglass, our president and his wife, have a videotaped message about the Day of Prayer.

Global Prayer Movement

Besides praying for the list of requests for the Worldwide Day of Prayer mentioned above any day of the year, you can also pray for prayer requests which are posted daily on this site.

If you would like to pray regularly for an hour every month, click on the 24×7 Calendar tab and sign up for a time slot on the 24-hour prayer chain.. You will receive an email one day in advance to remind you of your prayer time.

The Global Prayer Movement also offers other prayer guides and resources.

The Jesus Film Project

The Jesus Film ministry updates their prayer requests every month. You can also sign up for the Jesus Film email newsletter and prayer requests in the box on the left hand side of the page.


If you enjoy FamilyLife’s radio broadcasts with Dennis Rainey, you might like to know their current prayer requests.

Annual prayer opportunities outside of CCC:
National Day of Prayer the first Thursday every May. Vonette Bright was the original chairman and passed that responsibility on to Shirley Dobson several years ago.

The Global Day of Prayer originated in South Africa and has spread across the world. The prayer emphasis starts on May 31st this year.

Thank you for praying for the spread of the Gospel and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom!

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